6. Class¶
6.1. Builder¶
Feed the built IR to the specific output stream.
class builder::Builder : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Builder>¶
- #include <hlir_builder_common.h>
This class helps build IR, which consist of Ops.
Public Functions
void SetMaxMinShape(const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &max_shapes, const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &min_shapes)¶
Set Dynamic input's max_shape_dim, min_shape_dim attributes. If the input dim is not unknown dim, the value in max_shape_dim and min_shape_dim is same, and equal to the real dim.
- Parameters
max_shapes -- input's max_shape_dims. max_shapes.size equal to the count of input op.
min_shapes -- input's min_shape_dims. min_shapes.size equal to the count of input op.
void SetOpCallBack(std::function<bool(Op&)> cb)¶
Set a call back for Op which created by builder Op API. It will been called after the Op API return the created op.
- Parameters
cb -- call back function, or object.
builder::Op CreateInput(const builder::Type &type, const char *func_name =
"main")¶ Create an input Op for a Function. You can smiply consider a Function as a C++ function which consist of Ops.
std::vector<builder::Op> GetInputs(const char *func_name =
"main")¶ get inputs Op for a Function.
- Parameters
func_name -- Name of the specific Function, default is main
- Returns
inputs Op
void SetOutput(const std::vector<builder::Op> &outputs, const char *func_name =
"main")¶ Set output Ops of a Function.
- Parameters
outputs -- A vector of output Ops
func_name -- Name of the specific Function, default is main
std::shared_ptr<char> GetModuleStr(uint32_t flags = PrintingFlags::None)¶
Get the built IR string.
- Parameters
flags -- Print flag. Default: PrintingFlags::None.
- Returns
Built IR string.
std::shared_ptr<hlir::Module> GetModule()¶
Get built IR as hlir::Module instance.
- Returns
Built IR as hlir::Module instance
void *GetModulePtr()¶
Get built IR as a void pointer, caller needs to free it by using FreeModulePtr(void* module_ptr). It is a temporary interface, will be removed in the future.
- Returns
Built IR as a void pointer
void FreeModulePtr(void *module_ptr)¶
Free the module pointer got from GetModulePtr(). It is a temporary interface, will be removed in the future.
- Returns
Built IR as a void pointer
bool GetShapeInference() const¶
Get the status of on or off for shape inference.
void SetFuncMC(const char *func_name, const std::vector<int64_t> &mc)¶
Add a MC index info to the Func.
- Parameters
func_name -- The specific name of the Function
mc -- MC index info
std::vector<int64_t> GetFuncMC(const char *func_name) const¶
Get MC Info from the Func.
- Parameters
func_name -- The specific name of the Function
return -- MC index info. If threr is no MC in op, return {}
bool HaveFunc(const char *func_name) const¶
Does the function name already exist.
- Parameters
func_name -- Name of the specific Function
- Returns
Returns true if it exists, otherwise returns false
void SetFuncAttribute(const char *func_name, const char *name, const Attribute &value)¶
Set function attribute parameters.
- Parameters
func_name -- Name of the specific Function
name -- attribute name
value -- attribute object
void SetFuncAttribute(const char *func_name, const char *name, const std::vector<Attribute> &value)¶
Set function array attribute parameters.
- Parameters
func_name -- Name of the specific Function
name -- attribute name
value -- vector of attribute object
Attribute GetFuncAttribute(const char *func_name, const char *name) const¶
get function attribute parameters info.
- Parameters
func_name -- Name of the specific Function
name -- attribute name
- Returns
attribute object
void SetModuleAttribute(const char *name, const Attribute &value)¶
Set module attribute parameters.
- Parameters
name -- attribute name
value -- attribute object
void SetModuleAttribute(const char *name, const std::vector<Attribute> &value)¶
Set module array attribute parameters.
- Parameters
name -- attribute name
value -- vector of attribute object
Attribute GetModuleAttribute(const char *name) const¶
get module attribute parameters info.
- Parameters
name -- attribute name
- Returns
attribute object
bool IsDynamicShape(const char *func_name =
"main")¶ Judge if the function is of dynamic shape.
- Parameters
func_name -- the specified function name, default is main
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- the inputs of the specified func is of dynamic shape
false -- the inputs of the specified func is of static shape
void SetState(const char *name, const Attribute &value, const char *mode =
"copy")¶ Set a cached attribute for the ops to be built after.
- Parameters
name -- the specified attribute name
value -- the specified attribute value
mode -- options: default is "copy" "copy" will copy the attr; "derive" will add postfix of "_$index" for string attr; "clean" will cancel the state.
void Print(std::ostream &out, uint32_t flags = PrintingFlags::None) const¶
Print the built IR to the specific output stream.
- Parameters
out -- Output stream
flags -- Print flag
void Dump() const¶
Print the built IR to stdout.
std::shared_ptr<Impl> GetImpl() const¶
Get the inner implementation object pointer.
- Returns
The inner implementation object pointer
void SetMaxMinShape(const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &max_shapes, const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &min_shapes)¶
6.2. Type¶
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Type type)¶
Feed the Type information to the specific output stream.
class builder::Type¶
- #include <hlir_builder_common.h>
This represents the output type of an Op. It contains the information of both the shape and the primitive type.
Public Functions
explicit Type(PrimitiveType primitive_type = builder::PrimitiveType::NONE())¶
Constructor of an scalar Type.
- Parameters
primitiveType -- Data type of the scalar
Type(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape, const PrimitiveType &primitive_ype)¶
Constructor of an tensor Type.
- Parameters
shape -- Shape of the tensor
primitiveType -- Data type of the tensor
Type(const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> &shape, const std::vector<PrimitiveType> &primitive_type)¶
Constructor of an tuple Type.
- Parameters
shape -- Shape of the tuple
primitiveType -- Data type of the tuple
explicit Type(const std::vector<Type*> &types)¶
Constructor of an tuple Type.
- Parameters
types -- Vector of Type pointers
bool operator==(const Type &type) const¶
Overloaded operator "==" to judge if 2 Type are the same.
- Parameters
type -- another Type instance
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- shape and primitive type are the same
false -- otherwise
bool operator!=(const Type &type) const¶
Overloaded operator "!=" to judge if 2 Type are different.
- Parameters
type -- another Type instance
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- shape or primitive type is different
false -- otherwise
bool IsEmpty() const¶
Judge if it's empty, i.e. with empty shape and NONE data type.
bool IsDynamic() const¶
Judge if it's dynamic, i.e. with unknown dim shape or unrank.
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- Dynamic shape
false -- Static shape
bool IsTuple() const¶
Judge if it's a tuple type.
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- tuple
false -- others
int64_t GetRank() const¶
Get the rank.
- Returns
the rank
uint64_t GetSize() const¶
Get the total elemnent number.
- Returns
the total elemnent number.
void SetShape(const std::vector<int64_t> &shape)¶
Set the shape.
- Parameters
shape -- the shape
std::vector<int64_t> GetShape() const¶
Get the shape.
- Returns
the shape
void AddDimSize(int64_t size)¶
Add a dimension at the back of the shape.
- Parameters
size -- the size to be added
void SetDimSize(int index, int64_t size)¶
Set the size of the specified dimension.
- Parameters
index -- the index of the specified dimension
size -- the size of the specified dimension
int64_t GetDimSize(int index) const¶
Get the size of the specified dimension.
- Parameters
index -- the index of the specified dimension
- Returns
the size of the specified dimension
void SetPrimitiveType(const PrimitiveType &prim_type)¶
Set the data type.
- Parameters
prim_type -- the data type
PrimitiveType GetPrimitiveType() const¶
Get the data type.
- Returns
the data type
int64_t GetTupleSize() const¶
Get the element number for the TUPLE type.
- Returns
0 if it is not a TUPLE, else the element number for the TUPLE
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> GetTupleShapes() const¶
Get the shapes or the TUPLE type.
- Returns
the shapes
std::vector<PrimitiveType> GetTuplePrimitiveTypes() const¶
Get the data types or the TUPLE type.
- Returns
the data types
void Print(std::ostream &out) const¶
Print the Type information to the specific output stream.
- Parameters
out -- Output stream
std::shared_ptr<Impl> GetImpl() const¶
Get the inner implementation object pointer.
- Returns
The inner implementation object pointer
explicit Type(PrimitiveType primitive_type = builder::PrimitiveType::NONE())¶
6.3. Attribute¶
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Attribute attr)¶
Feed the Attribute information to the specific output stream.
class builder::Attribute¶
Public Functions
Constructor of an empty attribute.
explicit Attribute(const char *value)¶
Constructor of an attribute of type string.
- Parameters
value -- Incoming information data
explicit Attribute(bool value)¶
Constructor of an attribute of type bool.
- Parameters
value -- Incoming information data
explicit Attribute(int32_t value)¶
Constructor of an attribute of type int32_t.
- Parameters
value -- Incoming information data
explicit Attribute(int64_t value)¶
Constructor of an attribute of type int64_t.
- Parameters
value -- Incoming information data
explicit Attribute(float value)¶
Constructor of an attribute of type float.
- Parameters
value -- Incoming information data
explicit Attribute(double value)¶
Constructor of an attribute of type double.
- Parameters
value -- Incoming information data
Attribute(Type data_type, void *data)¶
Constructor of an attribute of type Dense.
- Parameters
data_type -- tensor type
data -- Data address
Constructor of an attribute of type Dense.
- Parameters
data_type -- tensor type
data_ptr -- shared_ptr data
double GetValueAsDouble() const¶
Get the attribute value.
- Returns
If it is float and double type, return value, otherwise return 0.0
int64_t GetValueAsInt() const¶
Get the attribute value.
- Returns
If it is integer type, return value, otherwise return 0
bool GetValueAsBool() const¶
Get the attribute value.
- Returns
If it is bool type, return value, otherwise return 0
const char *GetValueAsString() const¶
Get the attribute value.
- Returns
If it is string type, return value, otherwise return nullptr.
std::shared_ptr<void> GetValueAsDataPtr() const¶
Get the attribute value.
- Returns
If it is dense type, return value, otherwise return 0
6.4. Op¶
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Op op)¶
Feed the Attribute information to the specific output stream.
class builder::Op¶
- #include <hlir_builder_common.h>
This represents an instruction that has been enqueued using the Builder.
Public Functions
std::shared_ptr<Builder> GetBuilder() const¶
Get the Builder shared pointer.
- Returns
The Builder shared pointer
void SetMaxMinShape(const std::vector<int64_t> &max_shape, const std::vector<int64_t> &min_shape)¶
Set Dynamic op's max_shape_dim, min_shape_dim attributes. If the input dim is not unknown dim, the value in max_shape_dim and min_shape_dim is same, and equal to the real dim.
For tuple op, max_shape/min_shape including all outputs.
- Parameters
max_shape -- input's max_shape_dims.
min_shape -- input's min_shape_dims.
const char *GetName() const¶
Get the op name.
- Returns
The op name, which is a constant char literal.
std::shared_ptr<void> GetConstDataPtr() const¶
Get data pointer of ConstOp.
- Returns
The data pointer of ConstOp, nullptr for other Ops
bool IsValid() const¶
Judge if it's a valid op.
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- a valid op which has been inited.
false -- otherwise
bool IsNull() const¶
Judge if it's a null op. ONLY used for op which want to set attribute.
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- a null op which doesn't have a background hlir op.
false -- otherwise
bool IsConstant() const¶
Judge if it's a constant op.
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- constant op
false -- otherwise
bool IsDynamic() const¶
Judge if it's dynamic shape.
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- dynamic shape
false -- static shape
bool IsUnknownRank() const¶
Judge if its shape is unknown rank.
- Returns
Judge result
- Returns
true -- unknown rank
false -- otherwise
template<typename T>
inline std::vector<T> GetConstData() const¶ Get vector contains data of ConstOp. Error occurs for other Ops.
- Returns
A vector contains data of ConstOp
std::shared_ptr<Impl> GetImpl() const¶
Get the Impl shared pointer.
- Returns
The Impl shared pointer
void AddAccessory(Op &accessory)¶
Add an accessory op to this op. It means this op is composed of accessory ops.
- Parameters
an -- accessory op to be added to this op
void SetAttribute(const char *name, const Attribute &value, const char *mode =
"")¶ Set op attribute parameters.
- Parameters
name -- attribute name
value -- attribute object
mode -- mode of setting attribute of accessories. Options: "": do not set the attribute for accessories. "copy": copy the attribute for accessories. "derive": derive the attribute for accessories with postfix "_index", where index starts with 0. Only work for string.
void SetAttribute(const char *name, const std::vector<Attribute> &value)¶
Set op array attribute parameters.
- Parameters
name -- attribute name
value -- vector of attribute object
Attribute GetAttribute(const char *name) const¶
get op attribute parameters info.
- Parameters
name -- attribute name
- Returns
attribute object
void SetMC(const std::vector<int64_t> &mc)¶
Set op MC index info.
- Parameters
mc -- the MC index info
std::vector<int64_t> GetMC() const¶
Get op MC index info.
- Returns
the MC index info If threr is no MC in op, return {}
void SetAlias(Op operand)¶
Set the Alias object of this op to operand. The param
and currentthis
op both can't been tuple op with more than 1 element ops.- Parameters
operand -- the source operand to be alias
void Dump() const¶
Dump op info.
void Print(std::ostream &out, uint32_t flags = PrintingFlags::None) const¶
Print the Op IR to the specific output stream.
- Parameters
out -- Output stream
flags -- Print flag
std::shared_ptr<Builder> GetBuilder() const¶
6.5. Structs¶
class ConvDimensionNumbers¶
- #include <hlir_builder_structs.h>
Structure of dimension information for conv op.
class DimensionsLayout¶
- #include <hlir_builder_structs.h>
Structure of dimension information for layout.
class DotDimensionNumbers¶
- #include <hlir_builder_structs.h>
Structure of dimension information for dot product.
class GatherDimensionNumbers¶
- #include <hlir_builder_structs.h>
Structure of dimension information for gather.
class ScatterDimensionNumbers¶
- #include <hlir_builder_structs.h>
Structure of dimension information for scatter.