2. Class¶
2.1. Dims32¶
This section describes the TopsInference Dimension information API.
2.2. IErrorManager¶
This section describes the TopsInference error manager information API.
class TopsInference::IErrorManager¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Error Manager for recording the internal errors.
IParser *onnx_parser = create_parser(ParserType::TIF_ONNX); IErrorManager *error_manager = create_error_manager(); try { const char *model = "add.onnx"; INetwork *network = onnx_parser->readModel(model); if (network == nullptr) { int32_t error_count = error_manager->getErrorCount(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < error_count; i++) { char* error_msg = error_manager->getErrorMsg(i); TIFStatus error_status = error_manager->getErrorStatus(i); } error_manager->clear(); } } catch (std::exception &e) { int32_t error_count = error_manager->getErrorCount(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < error_count; i++) { char* error_msg = error_manager->getErrorMsg(i); TIFStatus error_status = error_manager->getErrorStatus(i); } error_manager->clear(); }
Which is thread-safe.
Public Functions
virtual TIFStatus getErrorStatus(int32_t index) = 0¶
Get the Error Status.
See also
Status code.
- Parameters
index -- The index for queried error, index < getErrorCount().
- Returns
virtual int32_t getErrorCount() = 0¶
Get the Error Count object.
- Returns
int32_t The error count in error manager.
virtual const char *getErrorMsg(int32_t index) = 0¶
Get the Error Msg object.
- Parameters
index -- The index for queried error, index < getErrorCount().
- Returns
const char* The error message.
virtual bool reportStatus(int32_t index) = 0¶
print the Error Status and Msg as String.
- Parameters
index -- The index for queried error, index < getErrorCount().
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool clear() = 0¶
Need to call after finishing to query.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual TIFStatus getErrorStatus(int32_t index) = 0¶
2.3. ITensor¶
This section describes the TopsInference ITensor API.
typedef class ITensor *TensorPtr_t¶
class TopsInference::ITensor¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
ITensor information definition. The attributes of input and output, including origin data pointer, shape, device type, etc., are recorded in ITensor.
Public Functions
virtual bool setOpaque(void *opaque) = 0¶
Set the data pointer of the ITensor.
- Parameters
opaque -- The data pointer. If using DeviceType as HOST, opaque represent HOST memory pointer, if using DeviceType as Device, opaque should use pointer of DeviceMemory.
virtual DataDeviceType getDeviceType() = 0¶
Get the device type of the ITensor buffer(.
See also
- Returns
The device type of the ITensor buffer.
virtual void setDeviceType(DataDeviceType device_type) = 0¶
Set the device type of the ITensor buffer(.
See also
- Parameters
device_type -- The device type of the ITensor buffer.
virtual void release() = 0¶
Release current ITensor, and this interface must be called once you want to delete the ITensor.
virtual bool setOpaque(void *opaque) = 0¶
2.4. IConfig¶
This section describes the TopsInference Config API.
class TopsInference::IConfig¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Common config definition.
Subclassed by TopsInference::ICalibratorConfig, TopsInference::IEngineConfig, TopsInference::IOptimizerConfig, TopsInference::IParserConfig
Public Functions
virtual bool loadConfig(const char *proto) = 0¶
Load config from proto buffer file name.
- Parameters
proto -- The proto buffer file name.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool saveConfig(const char *proto) = 0¶
Save config into proto buffer file name.
- Parameters
proto -- The proto buffer file name.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool loadConfig(const char *proto) = 0¶
class TopsInference::IParserConfig : public TopsInference::IConfig¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Config for IParser.
Public Functions
virtual void setSimplify(bool simplify) = 0¶
Simplify the network when parsing.
- Parameters
simplify -- If True, to simplify the network.
virtual bool getSimplify() = 0¶
Check the simplify status in parser.
- Returns
- Returns
true. -- Config is simplify.
false. -- Config is not simplify.
virtual void setSimplify(bool simplify) = 0¶
class TopsInference::IOptimizerConfig : public TopsInference::IConfig¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Config for Optimizer.
Public Functions
virtual bool setCompileOptions(const char *options) = 0¶
Set the Compile Options.
- Parameters
options -- is json format.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual const char *getCompileOptions() const = 0¶
Get the compile options.
- Returns
const char* Current compile options.
virtual bool setBuildFlag(BuildFlag flag) = 0¶
Set the build flag.
See also
- Parameters
flag -- build flag.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool setBuildFlag(int64_t flag) = 0¶
Set the build flag.
- Parameters
flag -- formed by composing multiple BuildFlag.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual int64_t getBuildFlag() = 0¶
Get the build flag.
- Returns
int64_t BuildFlag.
virtual bool setMaxShapeRange(const char *op_shape) = 0¶
set the max shape dim for the specified op with json string.
Json::Value max_shape_range_setting; Json::Value op_max_val; op_max_val["main"].append("1,3,512,512"); max_shape_range_setting.append(op_max_val); Json::Value min_shape_range_setting; Json::Value op_min_val; op_min_val["main"].append("1,3,112,112"); min_shape_range_setting.append(op_min_val); char* max_setting_str = max_shape_range_setting.toStyledString(); char* min_setting_str = min_shape_range_setting.toStyledString(); assert((optimizer_config->setMaxShapeRange(max_setting_str.c_str()), "[Error] set max shape range failed!")); assert((optimizer_config->setMinShapeRange(min_setting_str.c_str()), "[Error] set min shape range failed!"));
- Parameters
op_shape -- is json format.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool setMinShapeRange(const char *op_shape) = 0¶
set the min shape dim for the specified op with json string.
See also
- Parameters
op_shape -- is json format.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool setInt8Calibrator(ICalibrator *calibrator) = 0¶
config the calibrator.
- Parameters
calibrator -- a pointer to the calibrator.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual void setRefitPreprocess(bool refit_preprocess_flag) = 0¶
Set the refit preprocess mode.
- Parameters
refit_preprocess_flag -- If true, enable refit with preprocess.
virtual bool setCompileOptions(const char *options) = 0¶
class TopsInference::IEngineConfig : public TopsInference::IConfig¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Config for engine.
Public Functions
virtual const char *getEngineVersion() = 0¶
Get the engine version.
- Returns
const char* engine version.
virtual void setAutoBatchMode(bool auto_mode) = 0¶
Set the auto batch mode.
- Parameters
auto_mode -- If true, set auto batch mode.
virtual bool isAutoBatchMode() = 0¶
Get the auto batch mode.
- Returns
- Returns
true. -- Config is auto batch mode.
false. -- Config is not auto batch mode.
virtual const char *getEngineVersion() = 0¶
class TopsInference::ICalibratorConfig : public TopsInference::IConfig¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Config for Calibrator.
Public Functions
virtual bool setOpPrecision(const char *op_name, DataType dtype) = 0¶
set the op precision used for calibration.
- Parameters
op_name -- op name to be set.
dtype -- set the op to dtype precision.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool setOpCalibrateAlgo(const char *op_name, CalibrationAlgoType algo) = 0¶
set the op algorithm used for calibration.
- Parameters
op_name -- op name to be set.
algo -- set the op to algo algorithm.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool setOpThreshold(const char *op_name, double thres_val) = 0¶
set the op threshold for calibration.
- Parameters
op_name -- op name to be set.
thres_val -- set the op to thres_val threshold.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool enableQuantizeOps(const char **op_types, int32_t num) = 0¶
set the op types to be quantized.
- Parameters
op_types -- op types to be set.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool getQuantizeOps(char **op_types, int32_t *num) = 0¶
get the op type which will be quantized.
- Parameters
op_types -- op types to be quantized.
num -- the num of quantized op_type.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool disableQuantizeOps(const char **op_types, int32_t num) = 0¶
exclude the op types which will be quantized.
- Parameters
op_types -- op types to be set.
num -- the num of quantized op_type.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual DataType getOpPrecision(const char *op_name) = 0¶
get the op precision set in calibration.
- Parameters
op_name -- op name.
- Returns
DataType op precision.
virtual CalibrationAlgoType getOpCalibrateAlgo(const char *op_name) = 0¶
get the op algorithm set in calibration.
- Parameters
op_name -- op name.
- Returns
CalibrationAlgoType op algorithm.
virtual double getOpThreshold(const char *op_name) = 0¶
get the op threshold set in calibration.
- Parameters
op_name -- op name.
- Returns
double op threshold.
virtual bool setOpPrecision(const char *op_name, DataType dtype) = 0¶
2.5. ILayer¶
This section describes the TopsInference Layer information API.
class TopsInference::ILayer¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Layer definition. Base class for all layer classes in a network definition.
Public Functions
virtual void setName(const char *name) = 0¶
Set the layer name, take effect at compile time.
- Parameters
name -- layer name.
virtual const char *getName() = 0¶
Get the layer name.
- Returns
const char*.
virtual bool setPrecision(DataType dataType) = 0¶
Set the layer precision, take effect at compile time. In TIF_KTYPE_MIX_FP16 mode, user can set TIF_FP32 or TIF_FP16. In TIF_KTYPE_INT8_MIX_FP32 mode, user can set TIF_FP32 or TIF_INT8.
- Parameters
dataType -- set DataType::TIF_FP32 or DataType::TIF_FP16 or DataType::TIF_INT8.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool isPrecisionSet() = 0¶
Check whether the layer precision is set or not.
- Returns
bool whether the precision has been set.
virtual void resetPrecision() = 0¶
Reset the layer precision, take effect at compile time.
virtual void setName(const char *name) = 0¶
2.6. INetwork¶
This section describes the TopsInference Network definition API.
class TopsInference::INetwork¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Network definition. A network definition to the builder.
Public Functions
virtual int32_t getLayerNum() = 0¶
Get the layer number.
- Returns
int32_t layer number.
virtual ILayer *getLayer(int32_t index) = 0¶
Get the layer according to the index.
- Parameters
index -- the index must be less than the layer number.
- Returns
ILayer* Ilayer pointer.
virtual void dump() = 0¶
Dump the network information.
virtual int32_t getLayerNum() = 0¶
2.7. IParser¶
This section describes the TopsInference Parser definition API.
class TopsInference::IParser¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Parser definition. IParser is a compiler component that translate onnx model into TopsInference network definition.
Public Functions
virtual INetwork *readModel(const char *model) = 0¶
Read model file, support onnx file.
See also
- Parameters
model -- model file.
- Returns
virtual INetwork *readModelFromStr(const char *model, uint32_t model_size) = 0¶
Read model string.
See also
- Parameters
model -- model string.
model_size -- model size.
- Returns
virtual INetwork *readModelObj(const void *model_obj) = 0¶
Read model object. This interface is not ABI compatibility. Please use abi1 onnx, compiled with _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1, which is the default value for gcc with version numbers greater than 5.
See also
- Parameters
model -- model object.
- Returns
virtual void setInputNames(const char *val) = 0¶
Set the input names before reading model, when there are multi inputs, names are separated with a comma, such as "a,b". If not set, the original properties of the network are used.
- Parameters
val -- input names.
virtual void setInputDtypes(const char *val) = 0¶
Set the input data types before reading model, when there are multi inputs, types are separated with a comma, such as "TIF_FP32,TIF_FP32". Subnets of the network can be intercepted after setting the input and output. If not set, the original properties of the network are used.
- Parameters
val -- input dtypes.
virtual void setInputShapes(const char *val) = 0¶
Set the input shapes before reading model, when there are multi inputs, shapes are separated with a colon, such as "3,4:3,4". If not set, the original properties of the network are used.
- Parameters
val -- input shapes.
virtual void setOutputNames(const char *val) = 0¶
Set the output names before reading model, when there are multi outputs, names are separated with a comma, such as "a,b". If not set, the original properties of the network are used.
- Parameters
val -- output names.
virtual void setOutputDtypes(const char *val) = 0¶
Set the output data types before reading model, when there are multi outputs, types are separated with a comma, such as "TIF_FP32,TIF_FP32". Subnets of the network can be intercepted after setting the input and output. If not set, the original properties of the network are used.
- Parameters
val -- output dtypes.
virtual IParserConfig *getConfig() = 0¶
Get the config pointer used for parser, use IParserConfig*-> to set.
- Returns
virtual INetwork *readModel(const char *model) = 0¶
2.8. IStream¶
This section describes the TopsInference Stream definition API.
using topsInferStream_t = IStream*¶
class TopsInference::IStream¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Stream definition. Stream of asynchronous action.
Public Functions
virtual bool synchronize() = 0¶
Stream synchronize, Wait for any pending asynchronous action in stream.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool synchronize() = 0¶
2.9. IFuture¶
This section describes the TopsInference Future definition API.
2.10. IEngine¶
This section describes the TopsInference Engine definition API.
class TopsInference::IEngine¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Executable definition, the serialized engine contains the necessary copies of the weights, the parser, network definition.
See also
Subclassed by TopsInferenceV2::IEngineV2
Public Functions
virtual bool saveExecutable(const char *name) = 0¶
Save engine to file.
- Parameters
name -- Engine file.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool loadExecutable(const char *name) = 0¶
Load engine from file.
- Parameters
name -- Engine file.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool loadExecFromBuffer(const void *blob, std::size_t size) = 0¶
Deserialize an engine from buffer.
- Parameters
blob -- The memory that holds the serialized executable.
size -- The size of the memory.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual Dims getInputShape(int32_t index) = 0¶
Get the set input shape corresponding to the given index, the index argument must be less than the value of getInputNum(). if using dynamic shape mode, Dims may contain -1.
- Parameters
index -- Each engine may have several input nodes, The index-th input.
- Returns
virtual Dims getOutputShape(int32_t index) = 0¶
Get the output shape corresponding to the given index, the index argument must be less than the value of getOutputNum().
- Parameters
index -- Each engine may have several output nodes, The index-th output.
- Returns
virtual int32_t getInputNum() = 0¶
Get the input num.
- Returns
virtual int32_t getOutputNum() = 0¶
Get the output num.
- Returns
virtual DataType getInputDataType(int32_t index) = 0¶
Get the input data type corresponding to the given index, the index argument must be less than the value of getInputNum().
- Parameters
index -- Each engine may have several input nodes, The index-th input.
- Returns
virtual DataType getOutputDataType(int32_t index) = 0¶
Get the output data type corresponding to the given index, the index argument must be less than the value of getOutputNum().
- Parameters
index -- Each engine may have several output nodes, The index-th output.
- Returns
virtual Dims getMaxInputShape(uint32_t index) = 0¶
Get the maximum input shape by index, this interface is only used when the current engine's index-th input has dynamic shape. if used in static shape mode, it will return static shape.
- Parameters
index -- The input id, the index of the input.
- Returns
The maximum input dimension.
virtual Dims getMaxOutputShape(uint32_t index) = 0¶
Get the maximum output shape by index, this interface is only used when the current engine's index-th output has dynamic or unknown shape.
- Parameters
index -- The output id, the index of the output.
- Returns
The maximum output shape, if the maximum input shape has not been set when compiling, it will raise error.
virtual Dims getMinInputShape(uint32_t index) = 0¶
Get the minimum input shape by index, this interface is only used when the current engine's index-th input has dynamic shape. if used in static shape mode, it will return static shape.
- Parameters
index -- The input id, the index of the input.
- Returns
The minimum input dimension.
virtual IEngineConfig *getConfig() = 0¶
get the IEngine Config pointer, use IEngineConfig*-> to set.
- Returns
virtual bool run(void **input, void **output, BufferType buf_type, topsInferStream_t stream = nullptr) = 0¶
run with specified device(cluster).
When running with auto batch mode, the async mode is not supported now, it means that you must keep stream nullptr.
See also
When doing inference with buf_type equal to IN_HOST_OUT_HOST, the async mode is not supported now, it means that you * must keep stream nullptr.
- Parameters
input -- The input buffer bound for current engine, data is arranged in Column-major order.
output -- The output buffer bound for current engine, data is arranged in Column-major order.
buf_type -- engine run mode.
stream -- when stream is not nullptr, asynchronously.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool runWithBatch(std::size_t sample_num, void **inputs, void **outputs, BufferType buf_type, topsInferStream_t stream = nullptr, IFuture *future = nullptr) = 0¶
run with specified device(cluster) and dynamic batch.
See also
- Parameters
sample_num -- sample nums of runtime batch size.
input -- The sample_num input buffer bound for current engine, data is arranged in Column-major order, [[sample1_input_1, sample2_input_1, ... , sample_x_input_1],[sample1_input_2, sample2_input_2, ... , sample_x_input_2], ...].
output -- The sample_num output buffer bound for current engine, data is arranged in Column-major order.
buf_type -- engine run mode.
stream -- when stream is not nullptr, run asynchronously.
future -- Future is an optional parameter,When you are using asynchronous mode and you want to know the current request status, please use it.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
- virtual TIFStatus runV2 (IN TensorPtr_t *inputs, INOUT TensorPtr_t *outputs, topsInferStream_t stream=nullptr, IFuture *future=nullptr)=0
run with specified device(cluster) and dynamic batch.
See also
Status code.
- Parameters
inputs -- The input tensor list pointer for each input.
outputs -- The output tensor list pointer for each output.
stream -- When stream is not null, run with asynchronous mode, otherwise with synchronous mode.
future -- Future is an optional parameter, please keep it not null When you want to know the current request status with asynchronous mode.
- Returns
- virtual bool runV3 (IN TensorPtr_t *inputs, INOUT TensorPtr_t *outputs, topsStream_t stream=nullptr, IFuture *future=nullptr)=0
run with specified device(cluster) and dynamic batch, and this interface can be mixed with rt3.0.
- Parameters
inputs -- The input tensor list pointer for each input.
outputs -- The output tensor list pointer for each output.
stream -- When stream is not null, run with asynchronous mode, otherwise with synchronous mode.
future -- Future is an optional parameter, please keep it not null When you want to know the current request status with asynchronous mode.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual const char *getInputName(uint32_t index) = 0¶
Get the input name by index. the index argument must be less than the value of getInputNum() The life cycle of the pointer is consistent with that of the engine, The value may change in reload or rebuild.
- Parameters
index -- The input id, the index of the input.
- Returns
The index-th input name.
virtual const char *getOutputName(uint32_t index) = 0¶
Get the output name by index. the index argument must be less than the value of getOutputNum() The life cycle of the pointer is consistent with that of the engine, The value may change in reload or rebuild.
- Parameters
index -- The output id, the index of the output.
- Returns
The index-th output name.
virtual size_t getDeviceMemorySize() = 0¶
Get the memory size of gcu device runtime required.
- Returns
The engine's memory size required. Return 0 if fail to get memory size.
- virtual bool shapeInfer (IN const TensorPtr_t *inputs, INOUT TensorPtr_t *outputs)=0
run with specified device(cluster) and dynamic batch If the model input is a dynamic shape, this API can help push out the output shape, if static shape, return the static output shape.
See also
See also
- Parameters
input_dims -- The input dim list pointer for each input.
output_dims -- The output dim list pointer for each output.
- Returns
bool if success return true otherwise return false, there are two types of errors:
inline virtual bool setIODimensionInfo(const int32_t *inputNIndices, const int32_t *outputNIndices)¶
Set the N-dimensional information for input and output tensors. If a dimension exists, specify the index of N in that dimension. If it doesn't exist, set index to -1. It's not thread safety. If you do not set the N index information after creating the engine, the N index for both inputs and outputs will default to 0, means NHWC/NCHW/NWHC/NXXX formats.
- Parameters
inputNIndices -- The input tensor list pointer for each input.
outputNIndices -- The output tensor list pointer for each output.
- Returns
bool if success return true, otherwise return false.
inline virtual void setMaxWorkspaceSize(std::size_t workspaceSize) noexcept¶
Set the maximum workspace size.
See also
- Parameters
workspaceSize -- The maximum GCU temporary memory which the engine can use at execution time.
inline virtual std::size_t getMaxWorkspaceSize() const noexcept¶
Get the maximum workspace size. By default the workspace size is the size of total global memory in the device.
See also
- Returns
The maximum workspace size.
virtual bool saveExecutable(const char *name) = 0¶
2.11. IOptimizer¶
This section describes the TopsInference Optimizer definition API.
class TopsInference::IOptimizer¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Optimizer definition. The optimizer will do a series of optimizations on the layer.
Public Functions
virtual IEngine *build(INetwork *network) = 0¶
Build an engine from network.
See also
See also
TopsInference::IEngine* engine = optimizer->build(network);
virtual IOptimizerConfig *getConfig() = 0¶
Get the config pointer used for optimizer.
See also
BuildFlag use IOptimizerConfig*-> to set.
- Returns
virtual IEngine *build(INetwork *network) = 0¶
2.12. ICalibrator¶
This section describes the TopsInference Calibrator definition API.
class TopsInference::ICalibrator¶
Subclassed by TopsInference::IInt8EntropyCalibrator, TopsInference::IInt8MaxMinCalibrator, TopsInference::IInt8MaxMinEMACalibrator, TopsInference::IInt8PercentCalibrator
Public Functions
virtual int32_t getBatchSize() const noexcept = 0¶
Get the batch size used for calibration batches.
- Returns
The batch size.
virtual bool getBatch(TensorPtr_t data[], const char *names[], int32_t num) noexcept = 0¶
Get a batch of input for calibration The batch size of the input must match the batch size returned by getBatchSize().
- Parameters
data -- An array of pointers to host memory that containing each network input data.
names -- The names of the network input for each pointer in the binding array.
num -- The number of pointers in the binding array.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if there are no more batches for calibration.
virtual const void *readCalibrationCache(int64_t &length)¶
Load a calibration cache. Calibration is potentially expensive, so it can be useful to generate the calibration data once, then use it on subsequent builds of the network. The cache includes the regression cutoff and quantized values used to generate it, and will not be used if these do not batch the settings of the current calibrator. However, the network should also be recalibrated if its structure changes, or the input data set changes, and it is the responsibility of the application to ensure this.
- Parameters
length -- The length of the cached data, If there is no data,this should be zero.
- Returns
A pointer to the cache, or nullptr if there is no data.
virtual bool writeCalibrationCache(const void *ptr, int64_t length)¶
Save a calibration cache.
- Parameters
ptr -- A pointer to the data to cache.
length -- The length in bytes of the data to cache.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual CalibrationAlgoType getAlgorithm() noexcept = 0¶
Get the algorithm used by this calibrator.
- Returns
CalibrationAlgoType The algorithm used by the calibrator.
virtual ICalibratorConfig *getConfig()¶
Get the config pointer used for calibrator.
- Returns
virtual int32_t getBatchSize() const noexcept = 0¶
class TopsInference::IInt8EntropyCalibrator : public TopsInference::ICalibrator¶
Public Functions
inline virtual CalibrationAlgoType getAlgorithm() noexcept override¶
Get the algorithm used by this calibrator.
- Returns
CalibrationAlgoType The algorithm used by the calibrator.
inline virtual CalibrationAlgoType getAlgorithm() noexcept override¶
class TopsInference::IInt8MaxMinCalibrator : public TopsInference::ICalibrator¶
Public Functions
inline virtual CalibrationAlgoType getAlgorithm() noexcept override¶
Get the algorithm used by this calibrator.
- Returns
CalibrationAlgoType The algorithm used by the calibrator.
inline virtual CalibrationAlgoType getAlgorithm() noexcept override¶
class TopsInference::IInt8MaxMinEMACalibrator : public TopsInference::ICalibrator¶
Public Functions
inline virtual CalibrationAlgoType getAlgorithm() noexcept override¶
Get the algorithm used by this calibrator.
- Returns
CalibrationAlgoType The algorithm used by the calibrator.
inline virtual CalibrationAlgoType getAlgorithm() noexcept override¶
class TopsInference::IInt8PercentCalibrator : public TopsInference::ICalibrator¶
Public Functions
inline virtual CalibrationAlgoType getAlgorithm() noexcept override¶
Get the algorithm used by this calibrator.
- Returns
CalibrationAlgoType The algorithm used by the calibrator.
inline virtual CalibrationAlgoType getAlgorithm() noexcept override¶
class IInt8Calibrator¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Application-implemented interface for calibration.
2.13. IRefitter¶
This section describes the TopsInference Refitter definition API.
class TopsInference::IRefitter¶
- #include <TopsInferRuntime.h>
Updates weights in an engine.
Public Functions
virtual int32_t getAllWeights(int32_t size, const char **weightsNames) = 0¶
Get names of all weights that could be refit.
- Parameters
size -- [in] The number of weights names that can be safely written to.
weightsNames -- [out] The names of the weights to be updated, or nullptr for unnamed weights.
- Returns
The number of Weights that could be refit. It should be call twice. The first use of getAllWeights(0, nullptr) returns size, initializes the weightsNames with the size, and passes in the size and weightsNames to get all weights.
virtual int32_t getMissingWeights(int32_t size, const char **weightsNames) = 0¶
Get names of missing weights. For example, if some Weights have been set, but the engine was optimized in a way that combines weights, any unsupplied Weights in the combination are considered missing.
- Parameters
size -- [in] The number of weights names that can be safely written to.
weightsNames -- [out] The names of the weights to be updated, or nullptr for unnamed weights.
- Returns
The number of missing Weights. It should be call twice. The first use of getMissingWeights(0, nullptr) returns size, initializes the weightsNames with the size, and passes in the size and weightsNames to get missing weights.
virtual bool setNamedWeights(const char *name, Weights weights) = 0¶
Specify new weights of given name.
- Parameters
name -- [in] The name of the weights to be updated.
weights -- [in] new weight.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if new weights are rejected.
virtual bool getNamedWeights(const char *name, Weights &weights) = 0¶
Obtain weights of given name.
See also
- Parameters
name -- [in] The name of the weights to be obtain.
weights -- [inout] weights must be initialized with type.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if new weights are rejected.
virtual bool refitEngine() = 0¶
Updates associated engine.
- Returns
- Returns
true -- Return true if succeed.
false -- Return false if fail.
virtual bool isSupportPreprocess() = 0¶
Check whether the current refitter supports automatic preprocessing.
virtual int32_t getAllWeights(int32_t size, const char **weightsNames) = 0¶