1. Attribute¶
This section describes the TOPSTX c api.
void topstxInit(void *resver)¶
Force initialization (optional)
Force TOPSTX library to initialize. The first call to any TOPSTX API function will automatically initialize the entire API. This can make the first call much slower than subsequent calls. In applications where the first call to TOPSTX may be in a performance-critical section, calling topstxInitialize before any performance-critical sections will ensure TOPSTX initialization occurs at an acceptable time. Since topstxInitialize takes no parameters and has no expected behavior besides initialization, it is convenient to add a call to topstxInitialize in TOPSTX-instrumented applications that need to force earlier initialization without changing any other code. For example, if an app’s first TOPSTX call is topstxDomainCreate, and it is difficult to move that call earlier because the domain handle must be stored in an object only created at that point, adding a call to topstxInitialize at the top of main() will ensure the later call to topstxDomainCreate is as fast as possible.
- Parameters
reserved – - must be zero or NULL.
void topstxDomainMark(topstxDomainHandle_t domain, const topstxEventAttributes_t *eventAttrib)¶
Marks an instantaneous event in the application.
A marker can contain a text message or specify additional information using the event attributes structure. These attributes include a text message, color, category, and a payload. Each of the attributes is optional and can only be sent out using the topstxDomainMark function.
topstxDomainMark(NULL, event) is equivalent to calling topstxMark(event).
See also
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping the category.
eventAttrib – - The event attribute structure defining the marker’s attribute types and attribute values.
void topstxMark(const topstxEventAttributes_t *eventAttrib)¶
Marks an instantaneous event in the application.
A marker can contain a text message or specify additional information using the event attributes structure. These attributes include a text message, color, category, and a payload. Each of the attributes is optional and can only be sent out using the topstxMark function. If topstxMark are used to specify the marker or if an attribute is unspecified then a default value will be used.
See also
- Example:
// zero the structure topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; // set the version and the size information eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; // configure the attributes. 0 is the default for all attributes. eventAttrib.colorType = TOPSTX_COLOR_RGB; eventAttrib.color = 0xFF880000; eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_STRING; eventAttrib.message.str = "Example topstxMark"; topstxMark(&eventAttrib);
- Parameters
eventAttrib – - The event attribute structure defining the marker’s attribute types and attribute values.
topstxRangeId_t topstxDomainRangeStart(topstxDomainHandle_t domain, const topstxEventAttributes_t *eventAttrib)¶
Starts a process range in a domain.
Ranges defined by Start/End can overlap.
See also
- Example:
topstxDomainHandle_t domain = topstxDomainCreate("my domain"); topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_STRING; eventAttrib.message.str = "my range"; topstxRangeId_t rangeId = topstxDomainRangeStart(&eventAttrib); // ... topstxDomainRangeEnd(rangeId);
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping the category.
eventAttrib – - The event attribute structure defining the range’s attribute types and attribute values.
- Returns
The unique ID used to correlate a pair of Start and End events.
topstxRangeId_t topstxRangeStart(const topstxEventAttributes_t *eventAttrib)¶
Starts a process range.
Ranges defined by Start/End can overlap.
See also
- Example:
topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; eventAttrib.category = 3; eventAttrib.colorType = TOPSTX_COLOR_RGB; eventAttrib.color = 0xFF0088FF; eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_STRING; eventAttrib.message.str = "Example Range"; topstxRangeId_t rangeId = topstxRangeStart(&eventAttrib); // ... topstxRangeEnd(rangeId);
- Parameters
eventAttrib – - The event attribute structure defining the range’s attribute types and attribute values.
- Returns
The unique ID used to correlate a pair of Start and End events.
void topstxDomainRangeEnd(topstxDomainHandle_t domain, topstxRangeId_t id)¶
Ends a process range.
This function is offered completeness but is an alias for topstxRangeEnd. It does not need a domain param since that is associated iwth the range ID at topstxDomainRangeStart
See also
- Example:
topstxDomainHandle_t domain = topstxDomainCreate("my domain"); topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_STRING; eventAttrib.message.str = "my range"; topstxRangeId_t rangeId = topstxDomainRangeStart(&eventAttrib); // ... topstxDomainRangeEnd(rangeId);
- Parameters
domain – - The domain
id – - The correlation ID returned from a topstxRangeStart call.
void topstxRangeEnd(topstxRangeId_t id)¶
Ends a process range.
See also
- Parameters
id – - The correlation ID returned from an topstxRangeStart call.
void topstxDomainRangePush(topstxDomainHandle_t domain, const topstxEventAttributes_t *eventAttrib)¶
Starts a nested thread range.
See also
- Example:
topstxDomainHandle_t domain = topstxDomainCreate("example domain"); topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; eventAttrib.colorType = TOPSTX_COLOR_RGB; eventAttrib.color = 0xFFFF0000; eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_STRING; eventAttrib.message.str = "Level 0"; topstxDomainRangePush(domain, &eventAttrib); // Re-use eventAttrib eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_UNICODE; eventAttrib.message.unicode = L"Level 1"; topstxDomainRangePush(domain, &eventAttrib); topstxDomainRangePop(domain); //level 1 topstxDomainRangePop(domain); //level 0
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping.
eventAttrib – - The event attribute structure defining the range’s attribute types and attribute values.
void topstxRangePush(const topstxEventAttributes_t *eventAttrib)¶
Starts a nested thread range.
See also
- Example:
topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; eventAttrib.colorType = TOPSTX_COLOR_RGB; eventAttrib.color = 0xFFFF0000; eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_STRING; eventAttrib.message.str = "Level 0"; topstxRangePush(&eventAttrib); // Re-use eventAttrib eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_UNICODE; eventAttrib.message.unicode = L"Level 1"; topstxRangePush(&eventAttrib); topstxRangePop(); topstxRangePop();
- Parameters
eventAttrib – - The event attribute structure defining the range’s attribute types and attribute values.
void topstxDomainRangePop(topstxDomainHandle_t domain)¶
Ends a nested thread range.
See also
- Example:
topstxDomainHandle_t domain = topstxDomainCreate("example library"); topstxDomainRangePush(domain, "Level 0"); topstxDomainRangePush(domain, L"Level 1"); topstxDomainRangePop(domain); topstxDomainRangePop(domain);
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping.
void topstxRangePop()¶
Ends a nested thread range.
See also
- Example:
topstxRangePush("Level 0"); topstxRangePush(L"Level 1"); topstxRangePop(); topstxRangePop();
void topstxDomainNameCategory(topstxDomainHandle_t domain, uint32_t category, const char *name)¶
Annotate an TOPSTX category used within a domain.
Categories are used to group sets of events. Each category is identified through a unique ID and that ID is passed into any of the marker/range events to assign that event to a specific category. The topstxDomainNameCategory function calls allow the user to assign a name to a category ID that is specific to the domain.
topstxDomainNameCategory(NULL, category, name) is equivalent to calling topstxNameCategory(category, name).
The category names are tracked per domain.
- Example:
topstxDomainHandle_t domain = topstxDomainCreate("example"); topstxDomainNameCategory(domain, 1, "Memory Allocation"); topstxDomainNameCategory(domain, 2, L"Memory Transfer");
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping the category.
category – - The category ID to name.
name – - The name of the category.
void topstxNameCategory(uint32_t category, const char *name)¶
Annotate an TOPSTX category.
Categories are used to group sets of events. Each category is identified through a unique ID and that ID is passed into any of the marker/range events to assign that event to a specific category. The topstxNameCategory function calls allow the user to assign a name to a category ID.
The category names are tracked per process.
- Example:
topstxNameCategory(1, "Memory Allocation"); topstxNameCategory(2, "Memory Transfer"); topstxNameCategory(3, "Memory Object Lifetime");
- Parameters
category – - The category ID to name.
name – - The name of the category.
void topstxNameOsThread(int tid, const char *name)¶
Annotate an OS thread.
Allows the user to name an active thread of the current process. If an invalid thread ID is provided or a thread ID from a different process is used the behavior of the tool is implementation dependent.
Tools expect thread ID to be a number that uniquely identifies the thread at the time of the call. Note that a thread’s ID can be reused after it is destroyed. Tools may choose how to handle aliasing of thread IDs.
POSIX pthread_t type returned by pthread_self() may not comply with these expectations. Please use OS-specific thread ID instead of pthread_t.
The thread name is associated to the default domain. To support domains use resource objects via ::topstxDomainResourceCreate.
#include <unistd.h> topstxNameOsThread(gettid(), "Current thread"); topstxNameOsThread(getpid(), "Main thread");
- Examples:
MS Windows:
#include <windows.h> topstxNameOsThread(GetCurrentThreadId(), "Current thread"); topstxNameOsThread(GetThreadId(SomeThreadHandle), "Other thread");
#include <sys/syscall.h> topstxNameOsThread(syscall(SYS_gettid), "Current thread");
#include <unistd.h> topstxNameOsThread(getpid(), "Main thread");
#include <sys/syscall.h> topstxNameOsThread(syscall(SYS_thread_selfid), "Current thread");
#include <pthread.h> __uint64_t id; pthread_threadid_np(pthread_self(), &id); topstxNameOsThread(id, "Current thread"); pthread_threadid_np(somePThreadId, &id); topstxNameOsThread(id, "Other thread");
- Parameters
threadId – - The ID of the thread to name.
name – - The name of the thread.
void topstxNameDev(int device_id, const char *name)¶
Annotate an Device.
Allows the user to name an device of the current process.
- Examples:
topstxNameDev(1, "Device 1");
- Parameters
device_id – - The ID of the device to name.
name – - The name of the device.
topstxStringHandle_t topstxDomainRegisterString(topstxDomainHandle_t domain, const char *string)¶
Register a string.
Registers an immutable string with TOPSTX. Once registered the pointer used to register the domain name can be used in topstxEventAttributes_t MESSAGE_FIELD. This allows TOPSTX implementation to skip copying the contents of the message on each event invocation.
String registration is an optimization. It is recommended to use string registration if the string will be passed to an event many times.
String are not unregistered, except that by unregistering the entire domain
- Example:
topstxDomainCreate("com.enflame.topstx.example"); topstxStringHandle_t message = topstxDomainRegisterStringA(domain, "registered string"); topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_REGISTERED; eventAttrib.message.registered = message;
- Parameters
domain – - Domain handle. If NULL then the global domain is used.
string – - A unique pointer to a sequence of characters.
- Returns
A handle representing the registered string.
topstxDomainHandle_t topstxDomainCreate(const char *name)¶
Register a TOPSTX domain.
Domains are used to scope annotations. topstxDomainCreate creates a new named domain.
Each domain maintains its own topstxRangePush and topstxRangePop stack.
See also
- Example:
topstxDomainHandle_t domain = topstxDomainCreate("com.enflame.topstx.example"); topstxMark("topstxMark to global domain"); topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib1 = {0}; eventAttrib1.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib1.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; eventAttrib1.message.str = "topstxDomainMark to global domain"; topstxDomainMark(NULL, &eventAttrib1); topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib2 = {0}; eventAttrib2.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib2.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; eventAttrib2.message.str = "topstxDomainMark to com.enflame.topstx.example"; topstxDomainMark(domain, &eventAttrib2); topstxDomainDestroy(domain);
- Parameters
name – - A unique string representing the domain.
- Returns
A handle representing the domain.
void topstxDomainDestroy(topstxDomainHandle_t domain)¶
Unregister a TOPSTX domain.
Unregisters the domain handle and frees all domain specific resources.
See also
- Example:
topstxDomainHandle_t domain = topstxDomainCreate("com.enflame.topstx.example"); topstxDomainDestroy(domain);
- Parameters
domain – - the domain handle
enum topstxColorType_t¶
Color attribute is unused.
enumerator TOPSTX_COLOR_RGB¶
An RGB color is provided.
enum topstxMessageType_t¶
enum topstxPayloadType_t¶
Color payload is unused.
A 64 bit unsigned integer value is used as payload.
A 64 bit signed integer value is used as payload.
A 64 bit floating point value is used as payload.
A 32 bit floating point value is used as payload.
A 32 bit floating point value is used as payload.
A 32 bit floating point value is used as payload.
typedef int topstxRangeId_t¶
typedef void *topstxDomainHandle_t¶
typedef void *topstxStringHandle_t¶
typedef enum topstxColorType_t topstxColorType_t
typedef enum topstxMessageType_t topstxMessageType_t
typedef union topstxMessageValue_t topstxMessageValue_t¶
typedef enum topstxPayloadType_t topstxPayloadType_t
typedef struct topstxEventAttributes topstxEventAttributes_t¶
Event Attribute Structure.
This structure is used to describe the attributes of an event. The layout of the structure is defined by a specific version of the tools extension library and can change between different versions of the Tools Extension library.
The caller should always perform the following three tasks when using attributes:
Zero the structure
Set the version field
Set the size field
- Initializing the Attributes
Zeroing the structure sets all the event attributes types and values to the default value.
The version and size field are used by the Tools Extension implementation to handle multiple versions of the attributes structure.
It is recommended that the caller use one of the following to methods to initialize the event attributes structure:
If the caller uses Method 1 it is critical that the entire binary layout of the structure be configured to 0 so that all fields are initialized to the default value.
- Method 1: Initializing topstxEventAttributes for future compatibility
topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE;
- Method 2: Initializing topstxEventAttributes for a specific version
topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = 1; eventAttrib.size = (uint16_t)(sizeof(topstxEventAttributes_v1));
The caller should either use both TOPSTX_VERSION and TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE (Method 1) or use explicit values and a versioned type (Method 2). Using a mix of the two methods will likely cause either source level incompatibility or binary incompatibility in the future.
In the example the caller does not have to set the value of topstxEventAttributes::category or ::topstxEventAttributes::payload as these fields were set to the default value by {0}.
- Settings Attribute Types and Values
- Example:
// Initialize topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; // Configure the Attributes eventAttrib.colorType = TOPSTX_COLOR_RGB; eventAttrib.color = 0xFF880000; eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_STRING; eventAttrib.message.str = "Example";
int topstxIsEnabled()¶
Tools Extension API version
Size of the topstxEventAttributes_t structure.
union topstxMessageValue_t
struct topstxEventAttributes¶
- #include <topstx.h>
Event Attribute Structure.
This structure is used to describe the attributes of an event. The layout of the structure is defined by a specific version of the tools extension library and can change between different versions of the Tools Extension library.
The caller should always perform the following three tasks when using attributes:
Zero the structure
Set the version field
Set the size field
- Initializing the Attributes
Zeroing the structure sets all the event attributes types and values to the default value.
The version and size field are used by the Tools Extension implementation to handle multiple versions of the attributes structure.
It is recommended that the caller use one of the following to methods to initialize the event attributes structure:
If the caller uses Method 1 it is critical that the entire binary layout of the structure be configured to 0 so that all fields are initialized to the default value.
- Method 1: Initializing topstxEventAttributes for future compatibility
topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE;
- Method 2: Initializing topstxEventAttributes for a specific version
topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = 1; eventAttrib.size = (uint16_t)(sizeof(topstxEventAttributes_v1));
The caller should either use both TOPSTX_VERSION and TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE (Method 1) or use explicit values and a versioned type (Method 2). Using a mix of the two methods will likely cause either source level incompatibility or binary incompatibility in the future.
In the example the caller does not have to set the value of topstxEventAttributes::category or ::topstxEventAttributes::payload as these fields were set to the default value by {0}.
- Settings Attribute Types and Values
- Example:
// Initialize topstxEventAttributes_t eventAttrib = {0}; eventAttrib.version = TOPSTX_VERSION; eventAttrib.size = TOPSTX_EVENT_ATTRIB_STRUCT_SIZE; // Configure the Attributes eventAttrib.colorType = TOPSTX_COLOR_RGB; eventAttrib.color = 0xFF880000; eventAttrib.messageType = TOPSTX_MESSAGE_TYPE_STRING; eventAttrib.message.str = "Example";
Public Members
uint16_t version¶
Version flag of the structure.
Needs to be set to TOPSTX_VERSION to indicate the version of TOPSTX APIs supported in this header file. This can optionally be overridden to another version of the tools extension library.
uint16_t size¶
Size of the structure.
Needs to be set to the size in bytes of the event attribute structure used to specify the event.
uint32_t category¶
ID of the category the event is assigned to.
A category is a user-controlled ID that can be used to group events. The tool may use category IDs to improve filtering or enable grouping of events in the same category. The functions topstxNameCategory can be used to name a category.
Default Value is 0
int32_t colorType¶
Color type specified in this attribute structure.
Defines the color format of the attribute structure’s color field.
uint32_t color¶
Color assigned to this event.
The color that the tool should use to visualize the event.
int32_t payloadType¶
Payload type specified in this attribute structure.
Defines the payload format of the attribute structure’s payload field.
int32_t messageType¶
Message type specified in this attribute structure.
Defines the message format of the attribute structure’s message field.
topstxMessageValue_t message¶
Message assigned to this attribute structure.
The text message that is attached to an event.
union payload_t¶
- #include <topstx.h>
Payload assigned to this event.
A numerical value that can be used to annotate an event. The tool could use the payload data to reconstruct graphs and diagrams.
1.2. TOPSTX C++ API¶
This section describes the TOPSTX c++ api.
inline void mark(const Message &message)¶
Marks an instantaneous event in the application.
A marker can contain a text message or specify additional information using the event attributes structure. These attributes include a text message, color, category, and a payload. Each of the attributes is optional and can only be sent out using the topstx::mark function. If topstx::mark are used to specify the marker or if an attribute is unspecified then a default value will be used.
- Parameters
message – - The event attribute structure defining the marker’s attribute types and attribute values.
inline void mark(const Domain &domain, const Message &message)¶
Marks an instantaneous event in the application.
A marker can contain a text message or specify additional information using the event attributes structure. These attributes include a text message, color, category, and a payload. Each of the attributes is optional and can only be sent out using the topstxDomainMark function.
topstx::domainMark(Domain(), message) is equivalent to calling topstx::mark(message).
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping the category.
message – - The event attribute structure defining the marker’s attribute types and attribute values.
inline topstxRangeId_t rangeStart(const Message &message)¶
Starts a process range.
Ranges defined by Start/End can overlap.
- Parameters
message – - The event attribute structure defining the range’s attribute types and attribute values.
- Returns
The unique ID used to correlate a pair of Start and End events.
inline topstxRangeId_t rangeStart(const Domain &domain, const Message &message)¶
Starts a process range in a domain.
Ranges defined by Start/End can overlap.
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping the category.
message – - The event attribute structure defining the range’s attribute types and attribute values.
- Returns
The unique ID used to correlate a pair of Start and End events.
inline void rangeEnd(topstxRangeId_t id)¶
Ends a process range.
- Parameters
id – - The correlation ID returned from an topstx::rangeStart call.
inline void rangeEnd(const Domain &domain, topstxRangeId_t id)¶
Ends a process range.
- Parameters
domain – - The domain
id – - The correlation ID returned from a topstx::rangeStart call.
inline void rangePush(const Message &message)¶
Starts a nested thread range.
- Parameters
eventAttrib – - The event attribute structure defining the range’s attribute types and attribute values.
inline void rangePush(const Domain &domain, const Message &message)¶
Starts a nested thread range.
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping.
eventAttrib – - The event attribute structure defining the range’s attribute types and attribute values.
inline void rangePop()¶
Ends a nested thread range.
- Returns
The level of the range being ended. If an error occurs a negative value is returned on the current thread.
inline void rangePop(const Domain &domain)¶
Ends a nested thread range.
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping.
inline bool isEnabled()¶
inline void nameCategory(uint32_t category, const std::string &name)¶
Annotate an TOPSTX category.
Categories are used to group sets of events. Each category is identified through a unique ID and that ID is passed into any of the marker/range events to assign that event to a specific category. The topstxNameCategory function calls allow the user to assign a name to a category ID.
The category names are tracked per process.
- Parameters
category – - The category ID to name.
name – - The name of the category.
inline void domainNameCategory(const Domain &domain, uint32_t category, const std::string &name)¶
Annotate an TOPSTX category used within a domain.
Categories are used to group sets of events. Each category is identified through a unique ID and that ID is passed into any of the marker/range events to assign that event to a specific category. The topstxDomainNameCategory function calls allow the user to assign a name to a category ID that is specific to the domain.
topstx::domainNameCategory(Domain(), category, name) is equivalent to calling topstx::nameCategory(category, name).
The category names are tracked per domain.
- Parameters
domain – - The domain of scoping the category.
category – - The category ID to name.
name – - The name of the category.
inline void nameOsThread(int threadId, const std::string &name)¶
Annotate an OS thread.
Allows the user to name an active thread of the current process. If an invalid thread ID is provided or a thread ID from a different process is used the behavior of the tool is implementation dependent.
- Parameters
threadId – - The ID of the thread to name.
name – - The name of the thread.
inline void nameDev(int deviceId, const std::string &name)¶
Annotate an Device.
Allows the user to name an device of the current process.
- Parameters
deviceId – - The ID of the device to name.
name – - The name of the device.
class Domain¶
- #include <topstx.hpp>
s allow for grouping TOPSTX events into a single scope to differentiate them from events in otherdomain
s.By default, all TOPSTX constructs are placed in the “global” TOPSTX domain.
A custom
may be used in order to differentiate a library’s or application’s TOPSTX events from other events.domain
s are expected to be long-lived and unique to a library or application.Example:
// The empty domain means global TOPSTX domain is used topstx::Domain global_domain; // Create a custom domain with name "my_domain" topstx::Domain doman("my_domain");
class topstx::Payload¶
- #include <topstx.hpp>
A numerical value that can be associated with an TOPSTX event.
// Constructs a payload from the int32_t value 42 topstx::payload p1(42); // Constructs a payload from the double value 3.14 topstx::payload p2(3.14);
union Data¶
union Data¶
class Color¶
- #include <topstx.hpp>
Represents a custom color that can be associated with an TOPSTX event via it’s
.Specifying colors for TOPSTX events is a convenient way to visually differentiate among different events in a visualization tool such as Visual Profiler
class Message¶
- #include <topstx.hpp>
Allows associating a message with an TOPSTX event.
Message can specify category,color and payload.
// Creates an `Message` with string "message 0" topstx::Message message("message 0"); // Creates an `Message` with string "message 1" and color 0xFFAAFF topstx::Message message("message 1",Color(0xFFAAFF)); // Creates an `Message` with category 9, string "message 1" and color 0xFFAAFF topstx::Message message(9,"message 1",Color(0xFFAAFF));
class Tracepoint¶
- #include <topstx.hpp>
A Tracepoint creating a TOPSTX range to a process within a domain.
topstx::Tracepoint tp; tp.enter("do something1"); //do something1 tp.reenter("do something2") //do something2 tp.exit();
class ScopedRangeStartEnd¶
- #include <topstx.hpp>
A RAII object for creating a TOPSTX range local to a process within a domain.
When constructed, begins a nested TOPSTX range on the calling thread in the specified domain. Upon destruction, ends the TOPSTX range.
A custom domain can be defined by creating a domain.
// Define a type `my_domain` with a member `name` used to name the domain // associated with the type `my_domain`. topstx::Domain domain("my domain");
topstx::ScopedRangeStartEnd r1(domain,"range 1"); // Range in my domain // Three equivalent ways to make a range in the global domain: topstx::ScopedRangeStartEnd r2("range 2");
class ScopedRangePushPop¶
- #include <topstx.hpp>
A RAII object for creating a TOPSTX range local to a thread within a domain.
When constructed, begins a nested TOPSTX range on the calling thread in the specified domain. Upon destruction, ends the TOPSTX range.
A custom domain can be defined by creating a domain.
// Define a type `my_domain` with a member `name` used to name the domain // associated with the type `my_domain`. topstx::Domain domain("my domain");
topstx::ScopedRangePushPop r1(domain,"range 1"); // Range in my domain // Three equivalent ways to make a range in the global domain: topstx::ScopedRangePushPop r2("range 2");