Source code for pyefml

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Enflame Tech, All Rights Reserved. 2019-2024 Copyright (c)

# Python bindings for the EFML library
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.util import find_library
import sys
import os
import threading
import string

## C Type mappings ##
## Enums

[docs]efmlReturn = c_uint
[docs]EFML_SUCCESS = 0
[docs]EFML_ERROR_MAX = 255
[docs]efmlLinkSpeed_t = c_uint
[docs]efmlEslLinkSpeed_t = c_uint
[docs]efmlLinkWidth_t = c_uint
[docs]efmlEslLinkWidth_t = c_uint
[docs]efmlEslPortType_t = c_uint
[docs]EFML_ESL_PORT_RC = 0
[docs]EFML_ESL_PORT_EP = 1
## driver version buffer length
## max buffer length
[docs]class efmlDeviceInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('name', c_char * EFML_MAX_CHAR_BUFF_LEN), ('vendor_id', c_uint), ('device_id', c_uint), ('domain_id', c_uint), ('bus_id', c_uint), ('dev_id', c_uint), ('func_id', c_uint), ('logic_id', c_uint), ]
[docs]class efmlDevPowerInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('pwr_capability', c_float), ('cur_pwr_consumption', c_float), ]
[docs]class efmlDriverInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('driver_ver', c_char * EFML_DRIVER_VER_LEN), ]
[docs]class efmlDevMemInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('mem_total_size', c_ulonglong), ('mem_used', c_uint), ]
[docs]class efmlClusterHbmMemInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('mem_total_size', c_ulonglong), ('mem_used', c_uint), ]
[docs]class efmlDevClkInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('cur_hbm_clock', c_uint), ('cur_dtu_clock', c_uint), ]
[docs]class efmlDevThermalInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('cur_dev_temp', c_float), ('cur_hbm0_temp', c_float), ('cur_hbm1_temp', c_float), ]
[docs]class efmlDevVoltInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('vdd_dtu', c_float), ('vdd_soc', c_float), ('vdd_hbmqc', c_float), ('vdd_1v8', c_float), ('vdd_vddp', c_float), ]
[docs]class efmlPcieLinkInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('link_speed', c_uint), ('max_link_speed', c_uint), ('link_width', c_uint), ('max_link_width', c_uint), ]
[docs]class efmlPcieThroughputInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('tx_throughput', c_float), ('rx_throughput', c_float), ('tx_nak', c_ulonglong), ('rx_nak', c_ulonglong), ]
[docs]class efmlEslLinkInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('link_speed', c_uint), ('max_link_speed', c_uint), ('link_width', c_uint), ('max_link_width', c_uint), ]
[docs]class efmlEslThroughputInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('tx_throughput', c_float), ('rx_throughput', c_float), ('tx_nak', c_ulonglong), ('rx_nak', c_ulonglong), ]
[docs]class efmlEslPortInfo_t(Structure):
[docs] _fields_ = [ ('connected', c_uint), ('uuid', c_char * 16), ('vendor_id', c_uint), ('device_id', c_uint), ('domain_id', c_uint), ('bus_id', c_uint), ('dev_id', c_uint), ('func_id', c_uint), ('port_id', c_uint), ('port_type', efmlEslPortType_t), ('remote_card_id', c_uint), ('remote_uuid', c_char * 16), ('remote_vendor_id', c_uint), ('remote_device_id', c_uint), ('remote_domain_id', c_uint), ('remote_bus_id', c_uint), ('remote_dev_id', c_uint), ('remote_func_id', c_uint), ('remote_port_id', c_uint), ('remote_port_type', efmlEslPortType_t), ]
# handler efml library
[docs]efmlLib = None
## Error Checking ##
[docs]def efmlError(err_code): if(err_code >= EFML_ERROR_MAX): raise Exception("error code not supported!") if(err_code != EFML_SUCCESS): # raise Exception('error ' + efmlErrorMessage[err_code]) raise Exception('error ' + efmlErrorString(err_code))
[docs]def efmlLoadLibrary(): global efmlLib if (efmlLib == None): try: efmlLib = CDLL('') except OSError as ose: print('library not found!') raise finally: pass
# function entry list
[docs]efmlFunctionEntryList_cache = dict()
[docs]def efmlGetFunctionEntry(entry_str): global efmlLib if entry_str in efmlFunctionEntryList_cache: return efmlFunctionEntryList_cache[entry_str] try: if (efmlLib == None): efmlError(EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED) efmlFunctionEntryList_cache[entry_str] = getattr(efmlLib, entry_str) return efmlFunctionEntryList_cache[entry_str] finally: pass
# init device and library
[docs]def efmlInit(no_driver=False): """ Init efml libary parameters: no_driver(bool): not use kmd return: EFML_SUCCESS """ efmlLoadLibrary() func = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlInit") c_no_driver = c_bool(no_driver) try: ret = func(c_no_driver) efmlError(ret) except Exception as e: raise return ret
# shutdown and release loaded library
[docs]def efmlShutdown(): """ Close efml libary, release allocated resource parameters: None return: None """ efmlLoadLibrary() func = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlShutdown") try: func() except Exception as e: raise return None
[docs]def efmlErrorString(ret_val): """ Translate returned error code to string parameters: ret_val (efmlReturn): function return value return: string of return value """ c_err_info = create_string_buffer(EFML_MAX_CHAR_BUFF_LEN) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlErrorString") ret = fn(ret_val, c_err_info) return c_err_info.value.decode("utf-8")
[docs]def efmlDriverVer(): """ Get KMD (kernel mode driver) version info parameters: None return: string of driver version """ c_driver_info = create_string_buffer(EFML_DRIVER_VER_LEN) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDriverVer") ret = fn(c_driver_info) efmlError(ret) return c_driver_info.value
[docs]def efmlLibVer(): """ Get EFML lib version info parameters: None return: string of efml lib version """ c_efml_ver_info = create_string_buffer(EFML_DRIVER_VER_LEN) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetLibVer") ret = fn(c_efml_ver_info) efmlError(ret) return c_efml_ver_info.value
[docs]def efmlSelDevByIndex(idx): """ Select current device by index parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: None error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlSelDevByIndex") c_idx = c_uint(idx) ret = fn(c_idx) efmlError(ret)
[docs]def efmlGetDevCount(): """ Get total DTU device numbers in the system parameters: None return: total device numbers error: EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized """ cnt = c_uint() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevCount") ret = fn(byref(cnt)) efmlError(ret) return cnt.value
[docs]def efmlGetDevName(idx): """ Get DTU device name parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: device name in string error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_name = create_string_buffer(EFML_MAX_CHAR_BUFF_LEN) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevName") ret = fn(c_idx, c_name) efmlError(ret) return c_name.value
[docs]def efmlGetDevUuid(idx): """ Get DTU device UUID(Universally Unique Identifier) parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: device UUID in string error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_uuid = create_string_buffer(EFML_MAX_CHAR_BUFF_LEN) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevUuid") ret = fn(c_idx, c_uuid) efmlError(ret) return c_uuid.value
[docs]def efmlGetDevSn(idx): """ Get DTU device SN info(Serial Number) parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: device SN in string error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_sn = create_string_buffer(EFML_MAX_CHAR_BUFF_LEN) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevSn") ret = fn(c_idx, c_sn) efmlError(ret) return c_sn.value
[docs]def efmlGetDevPn(idx): """ Get DTU device PN info(Part Number) parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: device PN in string error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_pn = create_string_buffer(EFML_MAX_CHAR_BUFF_LEN) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevPn") ret = fn(c_idx, c_pn) efmlError(ret) return c_pn.value
[docs]def efmlGetFwVersion(idx): """ Get DTU firmware version parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: DTU firmware version in string error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_fw_ver = create_string_buffer(EFML_MAX_CHAR_BUFF_LEN) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetFwVersion") ret = fn(c_idx, c_fw_ver) efmlError(ret) return c_fw_ver.value
[docs]def efmlGetDevTemp(idx): """ Get DTU/MEM temperature parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: | efmlDevThermalInfo_t:cur_dev_temp(float): DTU temperature,[1,95] celsius | efmlDevThermalInfo_t:cur_hbm0_temp(float): MEM0 temperature,[1,95] celsius | efmlDevThermalInfo_t:cur_hbm1_temp(float): MEM1 temperature,[1,95] celsius error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_ther = efmlDevThermalInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevTemp") ret = fn(c_idx, byref(c_ther)) efmlError(ret) return c_ther
[docs]def efmlGetDevVolt(idx): """ Get DTU voltage parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: | efmlDevVoltInfo_t:vdd_dtu(float): DTU voltage | efmlDevVoltInfo_t:vdd_soc(float): soc voltage | efmlDevVoltInfo_t:vdd_hbmqc(float): HBMQC voltage | efmlDevVoltInfo_t:vdd_1v8(float): VDD 1V8 voltage | efmlDevVoltInfo_t:vdd_vddp(float): VDD VDDP voltage error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_ther = efmlDevVoltInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevVolt") ret = fn(c_idx, byref(c_ther)) efmlError(ret) return c_ther
[docs]def efmlGetDevPwr(idx): """ Get DTU power consumption parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: | efmlDevPowerInfo_t:pwr_capability(float): DTU power capability,225 watt | efmlDevPowerInfo_t:cur_pwr_consumption(float): DTU current power consumption,[1,225] watt error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_pwr = efmlDevPowerInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevPwr") ret = fn(c_idx, byref(c_pwr)) efmlError(ret) return c_pwr
[docs]def efmlGetDevDpmLevel(idx): """ Get DTU DPM(Dynamic Power Managerment) level parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: DPM level in int error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_dpm = c_uint() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevDpmLevel") ret = fn(c_idx, byref(c_dpm)) efmlError(ret) return c_dpm.value
[docs]def efmlGetDevDtuUsage(idx): """ Get DTU usage parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: DTU usage value in float error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_dtu_usage = c_float() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevDtuUsage") ret = fn(c_idx, byref(c_dtu_usage)) efmlError(ret) return c_dtu_usage.value
[docs]def efmlGetDevClk(idx): """ Get DTU/Mem clock frequency parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: efmlDevClkInfo_t:cur_hbm_clock (int): memory clock frequency efmlDevClkInfo_t:cur_dtu_clock (int): DTU clock frequency error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_clk = efmlDevClkInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevClk") ret = fn(c_idx, byref(c_clk)) efmlError(ret) return c_clk
[docs]def efmlDumpDevList(): """ Dump device list in system parameters: None return: None error: EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized """ fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlDumpDevList") ret = fn() efmlError(ret)
[docs]def efmlGetDevInfo(idx): """ Get detailed DTU information parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: | efmlDeviceInfo_t:name (char []): device name | efmlDeviceInfo_t:vendor_id (c_uint): PCIe Vendor ID | efmlDeviceInfo_t:device_id (c_uint): PCIe Device ID | efmlDeviceInfo_t:domain_id (c_uint): PCIe Domain ID | efmlDeviceInfo_t:bus_id (c_uint): PCIe Bus number | efmlDeviceInfo_t:dev_id (c_uint): PCIe Device number | efmlDeviceInfo_t:func_id (c_uint): PCIe Function number | efmlDeviceInfo_t:logic_id (c_uint): device logic id error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_dev_info = efmlDeviceInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevInfo") ret = fn(c_idx, byref(c_dev_info)) efmlError(ret) return c_dev_info
## memory info
[docs]def efmlGetDevMem(idx): """ Get device memory information parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: | efmlDevMemInfo_t:mem_total_size (c_uint): memory size | efmlDevMemInfo_t:mem_used (c_uint): memory usage error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_mem_info = efmlDevMemInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevMem") ret = fn(c_idx, byref(c_mem_info)) efmlError(ret) return c_mem_info
## cluster memory info
[docs]def efmlGetClusterMem(idx, cluster_idx): """ Get device memory information parameters: idx (int): selected device index cluster_idx (int): selected cluster index return: | efmlClusterHbmMemInfo_t:mem_total_size (c_uint): memory size | efmlClusterHbmMemInfo_t:mem_used (c_uint): memory usage error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_cluster_idx = c_uint(cluster_idx) c_mem_info = efmlClusterHbmMemInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetClusterMem") ret = fn(c_idx, c_cluster_idx, byref(c_mem_info)) efmlError(ret) return c_mem_info
[docs]def efmlGetEccStatus(idx): """ Get device memory ECC status parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: ECC enablement status in int error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_idx = c_uint(idx) c_ecc = c_uint() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetEccStatus") ret = fn(c_idx, byref(c_ecc)) efmlError(ret) return c_ecc.value
## PCIe
[docs]def efmlGetPcieLinkSpeed(idx): """ Get device PCIe link speed parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: link speed info in efmlPcieSpeed_t error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_link_speed = efmlLinkSpeed_t(idx) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetPcieLinkSpeed") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, byref(c_link_speed)) efmlError(ret) return c_link_speed.value
[docs]def efmlGetPcieLinkWidth(idx): """ Get device PCIe link width parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: link width info in efmlPcieWidth_t error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_link_width = efmlLinkWidth_t(idx) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetPcieLinkWidth") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, byref(c_link_width)) efmlError(ret) return c_link_width.value
[docs]def efmlGetPcieLinkInfo(idx): """ Get device PCIe link information parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: | efmlPcieLinkInfo_t:link_speed : PCIe link speed | efmlPcieLinkInfo_t:max_link_speed : PCIe supported max link speed | efmlPcieLinkInfo_t:link_width : PCIe link width | efmlPcieLinkInfo_t:max_link_width : PCIe supported max link width error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_link_info = efmlPcieLinkInfo_t(0, 0, 0, 0) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetPcieLinkInfo") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, byref(c_link_info)) efmlError(ret) return c_link_info
[docs]def efmlGetPcieThroughput(idx): """ Get device PCIe link throughput info. It will collect information in 10ms parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: | efmlPcieThroughputInfo_t:tx_throughput(float) : PCIe link Tx throughput | efmlPcieThroughputInfo_t:rx_throughput(float) : PCIe link Rx throughput | efmlPcieThroughputInfo_t:tx_nak(uint64) : PCIe link Tx NAK counts | efmlPcieThroughputInfo_t:rx_nak(uint64) : PCIe link Rx NAK counts error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_throughtput = efmlPcieThroughputInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetPcieThroughput") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, byref(c_throughtput)) efmlError(ret) return c_throughtput
## ESL
[docs]def efmlGetEslPortNum(idx): """ Get device ESL port number parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: ESL port number in int error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_port_num = c_uint() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetEslPortNum") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, byref(c_port_num)) efmlError(ret) return c_port_num.value
[docs]def efmlGetEslPortInfo(idx, port_id): """ Get device ESL port info parameters: | idx (int): selected device index | port_id (int): selected ESL port ID return: | efmlEslPortInfo_t:connected(c_uint) : port connected status | efmlEslPortInfo_t:vendor_id(char [16]) : port vendor id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:device_id(c_uint) : port device id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:domain_id(c_uint) : port domain id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:bus_id(char [16]) : port bus id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:dev_id(c_uint) : port device id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:func_id(c_uint) : port function id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:port_id(c_uint) : port id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:port_type(efmlEslPortType_t) : port type | efmlEslPortInfo_t:remote_card_id(c_uint) : remote port card id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:remote_vendor_id(char [16]) :remote port vendor id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:remote_device_id(c_uint) :remote port device id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:remote_domain_id(c_uint) :remote port domain id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:remote_bus_id(char [16]) :remote port bus id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:remote_dev_id(c_uint) :remote port device id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:remote_func_id(c_uint) :remote port function id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:remote_port_id(c_uint) :remote port id | efmlEslPortInfo_t:remote_port_type(efmlEslPortType_t) :remote port type error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_port_id = c_uint(port_id) c_port_info = efmlEslPortInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetEslPortInfo") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, c_port_id, byref(c_port_info)) efmlError(ret) return c_port_info
[docs]def efmlGetEslLinkInfo(idx, port_id): """ Get device ESL port link info parameters: | idx (int): selected device index | port_id (int): selected ESL port ID return: | efmlEslLinkInfo_t:link_speed(efmlEslSpeed_t) : port link speed | efmlEslLinkInfo_t:max_link_speed(efmlEslSpeed_t) : port max supported link speed | efmlEslLinkInfo_t:link_width(efmlEslWidth_t) : port link width | efmlEslLinkInfo_t:max_link_width(efmlEslWidth_t) : port max supported link width error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_port_id = c_uint(port_id) c_link_info = efmlEslLinkInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetEslLinkInfo") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, c_port_id, byref(c_link_info)) efmlError(ret) return c_link_info
[docs]def efmlGetEslThroughput(idx, port_id): """ Get device ESL port throughput info parameters: | idx (int): selected device index | port_id (int): selected ESL port ID return: | efmlEslThroughputInfo_t:tx_throughput(float) : port tx throughput | efmlEslThroughputInfo_t:rx_throughput(float) : port rx throughput | efmlEslThroughputInfo_t:tx_nak(uint64) : port tx total NAK counts | efmlEslThroughputInfo_t:rx_nak(uint64) : port rx total NAK counts error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters | EFML_ERROR_ESL_PORT_NUMBER_ERR: ESL port number error """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_port_id = c_uint(port_id) c_throughput = efmlEslThroughputInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetEslThroughput") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, c_port_id, byref(c_throughput)) efmlError(ret) return c_throughput
[docs]def efmlGetDevClusterCount(idx): """ Get total DTU device cluster numbers in the dtu parameters: | idx (int): selected device index return: total device cluster numbers error: EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized """ cnt = c_uint() c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetClusterCount") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, byref(cnt)) efmlError(ret) return cnt.value
[docs]def efmlGetDevClusterUsage(idx, cluster_idx): """ Get DTU usage parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: DTU usage value in float error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_cluster_idx = c_uint(cluster_idx) c_cluster_usage = c_float() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevClusterUsage") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, c_cluster_idx, byref(c_cluster_usage)) efmlError(ret) return c_cluster_usage.value
[docs]def efmlGetDevHealth(idx): """ Get DTU usage parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: DTU usage value in float error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_dev_health = c_bool() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetDevHealth") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, byref(c_dev_health)) efmlError(ret) return c_dev_health.value
## vGCU numbers per GCU
[docs]def efmlGetVdevCount(idx): """ Get virtual GCU numbers in the GCU. parameters: idx (int): selected device index return: total virtual GCU per GCU. error: EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized """ cnt = c_uint() c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetVdevCount") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, byref(cnt)) efmlError(ret) return cnt.value
## vGCU memory info
[docs]def efmlGetVdevDtuMem(idx, vdev_idx): """ Get vGCU mem info. parameters: idx (int): selected device index vdev_idx (int): selected vGCU index return: | efmlDevMemInfo_t:mem_total_size (c_uint): memory size | efmlDevMemInfo_t:mem_used (c_uint): memory usage error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_vdev_idx = c_uint(vdev_idx) c_vdev_mem_info = efmlDevMemInfo_t() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetVdevMem") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, c_vdev_idx, byref(c_vdev_mem_info)) efmlError(ret) return c_vdev_mem_info
## vGCU usage info
[docs]def efmlGetVdevDtuUsage(idx, vdev_idx): """ Get vGCU usage parameters: idx (int): selected device index vdev_idx (int): selected vGCU index return: vGCU usage value in float error: | EFML_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED: library not initialized | EFML_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: invalid input parameters """ c_dev_idx = c_uint(idx) c_vdev_idx = c_uint(vdev_idx) c_vdev_usage = c_float() fn = efmlGetFunctionEntry("EfmlGetVdevDtuUsage") ret = fn(c_dev_idx, c_vdev_idx, byref(c_vdev_usage)) efmlError(ret) return c_vdev_usage.value