5.2. TopsIDEAS gcu debug






usage: topsideas gcu debug [-h] --input_onnx INPUT_ONNX [--inputs INPUT_META [INPUT_META ...]] [--input_value_range INPUT_VALUE_RANGE [INPUT_VALUE_RANGE ...]]
                           [--fp16] [--device DEVICE] [--fp32_layers [FP32_LAYERS ...]] [--min_shapes MIN_SHAPES [MIN_SHAPES ...]]
                           [--max_shapes MAX_SHAPES [MAX_SHAPES ...]] [--resource_mode RESOURCE_MODE] [--compile_options COMPILE_OPTIONS]
                           [--save_path SAVE_PATH] [--rtol RTOL] [--atol ATOL] [--ntol NTOL] [--cos_sim COS_SIM] [--mode {model,quick,linear}]
                           [--log_path LOG_PATH] [--inputs_npz INPUTS_NPZ] [--seed SEED] [--try_all]


short long default help
-h --help show this help message and exit
--input_onnx None Provide original onnx file.
--inputs [] Overwrite input shapes or data type. Format: --inputs NAME:SHAPE:DTYPE. For example: --inputs input1 input2:[1,3,224,224]:float32 input3:int32 input4:[]. If omitted, uses the current model inputs
--input_value_range [] Overwrite input random value range. Format: --input_value_range NAME:[MIN,MAX]
--fp16 Enable fp16 mix precision, only works when using topsinference backend, onnxruntime-topsinfernce always enable fp16 mix
--device 0 Device id
--fp32_layers None Set layers as fp32 (topsinference)
--min_shapes [] Min input shapes. Format: --min_shapes NAME:SHAPE. For example: --min_shapes input1:[1,3,224,224] input2:[1,3,224,224]
--max_shapes [] Max input shapes. Format: --max_shapes NAME:SHAPE. For example: --max_shapes input1:[1,3,224,224] input2:[1,3,224,224]
--resource_mode None TopsInference compile option, see TopsInference docs for more info
--compile_options {} TopsInference compile option, see TopsInference docs for more info
--save_path ./test_cases Path to save fail onnx subgraph test cases
--rtol 0.01 Relative tolerance
--atol 0.01 Absolute tolerance
--ntol 0 Mismatch number tolerance, eg. ntol=0.01 means 1%% mismatch is allowed
--cos_sim 0 Use cosine similarity instead of numerical tolerance
--mode linear Iteration mode, choices are ['model', 'quick', 'linear']:'model' means run inference on whole model and compare model output only;'quick' means first add all tensors to output and check, then find backward from failed tensors;'linear' means first add each node from input in dfs order until fail, then delete each node from input until pass;
--log_path None Path to save inference logs
--inputs_npz None Path to saved real sampleN_inputs.npz
--seed None Set the seed to generate random data, defaults to None which uses time as seedWill be ignored if --inputs_npz is given
--try_all Search won't stop when mismatch found, but until model outputs. Only supports --mode=linear and quick


topsideas gcu debug --input_onnx Inception-v1.onnx --fp16 --inputs input:[4,3,224,224] --cos_sim=0.9999
